
Saif Khan
Deep Learning Researcher
Augmented Vision Group at DFKI

Learn more about me on my resume or contact me.

Research Work

My research work focuses on deep learning applications for language and vision tasks including human motion understanding and 3D reconstruction. I am also working on neural network optimization for deployment on edge devices such as smartphones.


SituationalLLM: Proactive language models with scene awareness for dynamic, contextual task guidance (2025)

Open Research Europe  Large Language Models  Scene Graphs  Context-Aware Assistance  Situational Awareness  
Dataset Paper

Shape2.5D: A Dataset of Texture-less Surfaces for Depth and Normals Estimation (2024)

IEEE Access  Texture-less Surfaces  Depth Estimation  Normal Estimation  

Enhanced Bank Check Security: Introducing a Novel Dataset and Transformer-Based Approach for Detection and Verification (2024)

ICDAR Workshops  Bank Checks  Object Detection  Signature Verification  Security  Dataset  

CICA: Content-Injected Contrastive Alignment for Zero-Shot Document Image Classification (2024)

ICDAR  Image Classification  Zero-Shot Learning  Document Analysis  

Continual Human Pose Estimation for Incremental Integration of Keypoints and Pose Variations (2024)

Preprint  Human Pose Estimation  Continual Learning  Regularization  Distillation  

Classroom-Inspired Multi-Mentor Distillation with Adaptive Learning Strategies (2024)

Preprint  Knowledge Distillation  Peer Ranking  Adaptive Teaching  Image Classification  

Showing 6 of 14 research projects.

Featured Projects

In addition to ML research, I work as a hobbyist software developer with most work in Android app development. Some of my featured projects are listed below:


Authentica: Signature Verification System

Authentica is a signature verification system designed to help banks and financial institutions to verify signatures on bank checks.

Eduistein: Smart School App

Eduistein is an online learning management system for smart schools, in shape of a mobile app, developed for a client in India.

Doodle: A Simple Paint App

Doodle is a simple paint application for Android, written in Java and Kotlin programming languages.

RECatalyst: Better Project Management

A collaborative tool for software project management and requirements specification.

Tiled: Tilemaps on Android

Tiled is a powerful API that simplifies the process of creating tilemaps for Android applications and games.